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UDI-DI On 5 May 2017, the EU published the new EU MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746 regulations in which they formally introduced the UDI system in the EU. The UDI comprises the following components The Basic UDI-DI is a technique introduced by the EU for linking medical devices to their regulatory documentation so that the model of the product can be uniquely identified throughout its entire lifecycle. The linked documentation may include the declaration of conformity, notified body certificates,...
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In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) (EU) 2017/746

The IVD medical devices Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR) brings EU legislation into line with technical advances, changes in medical science, and progress in law-making. The new Regulation creates a robust, transparent, and sustainable regulatory framework recognised internationally, improving clinical safety and creating fair market access for manufacturers.  In contrast to the previous Directive, the new Regulation is directly applicable and does not need to be transposed into na...
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EU MDR – Language Requirements  

October 2021.   The EU MDR 2017/745 brings more safety to the device in the European market. As part of the Safety measure for the largest medical device market in the world EU Union has made measures to make sure the product sold in the EU market is accessible for everyone at the same time is safe and traceable at every stage of the product lifecycle. The new regulation has made measure that a professional user as well as a lay person can understand the correct usage of the devic...
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EU Declaration of Conformity

The Declaration of conformity (DoC) is one of the key documents within technical documentation. Technical documentation is necessary for manufacturers as this is a detailed record that provides essential information on the design, manufacture, and operation. EU Declaration of Conformity is signed by the manufacturer to declare that the products comply with the EU requirements. By signing it, the manufacturer takes full responsibility for the product’s compliance with the applica...
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Requirements of Technical Documentation EU MDR

Technical documentation should contain details of the medical device in a clear, organized, readily searchable and unambiguous manner. It should be provided with all medical devices irrespective of the device class and to be kept updated throughout the product life cycle. Technical documentation is to be prepared according to the requirements given in Annex II of EU MDR 2017/745. Requirements of Technical Documentation as per Annex II 1. Device description and specification, including varia...
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MDCG Guidance for Manufacturers of Class I Medical Devices

A medical device’s intended use and inherent risks must be considered when determining its MDR classification. Class I devices pose less risk to patients and end users, as under the previous MDD. The new Regulation EU MDR 2017/745 has added extended rules, leading some devices to fall under Class IIa, IIb, or even III.  This document is intended to guide Class I medical device manufacturers (excluding custom-made devices) that sell products bearing their name or trademark on the Union mar...
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Cybersecurity for medical devices in Europe

EU Cybersecurity laws for Medical devices are advancing, and the use of software medical devices is also increasing daily. The increased interconnection of medical devices to computer networks and technological convergence have made devices and software programmes vulnerable to mishaps. The importance of protecting patient data from cyber-attacks is now well recognised. With the advancement of software as a medical device, proper regulations must be established to ensure the safety and security...
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Risk Management of medical devices under MDR

All medical devices are associated with inherent risks of some level. It is imperative to understand the medical device’s specific risks to a patient. Under EU MDR 2017/745, risk management is a continuous and iterative process. Manufacturers are expected to plan, document, and implement risk management strategies in this process. These strategies may either eliminate the risk or mitigate the overall severity of the risk. Medical Device Risk- Definition      ...
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The ‘Blue Guide’ on EU product rules implementation 2022 

The amended ‘Blue Guide’ on the application of the product rules 2022’ (“Blue Guide”) was released by the European Commission on June 29, 2022. The Blue Guide allows a better understanding of EU product regulations and their uniform and coherent application across various sectors throughout the EU single market. The Blue Guide has undergone significant changes, including the definition of new terms, the addition of information on which economic actors will be responsible for compliance...
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Software As a Medical Device and Its Clinical Evaluation

As technology advances across all healthcare fields, Software plays a significant role in all products. It is widely integrated into digital platforms serving both medical and non-medical purposes. Medical device software is one of three types of Software related to medical devices. The other two types of medical device software include Software that is an integral part of the medical device (medical device software) and Software used in manufacturing or maintaining the medical device. Software...
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