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Vigilance in EU MDR

Introduction The Medical Device Vigilance System’s goal is to lower the risks of using medical equipment and serious incidents while it strives to improve protection for patients, healthcare providers, and other users. A National Competent Authority Report is one way that adverse occurrences are evaluated and, where necessary, information is shared according to the Medical Devices Directives/Regulations (NCAR). The implementation of suitable field safety corrective measures aims to prevent...
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Field Safety Corrective Action (FSCA) – Swiss

What is a Field Safety Corrective Action? Any action performed to reduce the risk of death or serious deterioration in health connected with the use of a medical device is referred to as Field Safety Corrective Action (FSCA). The manufacturer is required to take action to remove or limit the risk of the recognised dangers. If a medical device malfunctions in Switzerland, the manufacturer is required to undertake an FSCA and Swissmedic keeps track of all FSCAs regarding medical equipment sold in...
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