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Clinical evaluation

Software As a Medical Device and Its Clinical Evaluation

As technology advances across all healthcare fields, Software plays a significant role in all products. It is widely integrated into digital platforms serving both medical and non-medical purposes. Medical device software is one of three types of Software related to medical devices. The other two types of medical device software include Software that is an integral part of the medical device (medical device software) and Software used in manufacturing or maintaining the medical device. Software...
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Article 61 Clinical Evaluation in the EU MDR

Article 61 Clinical Evaluation The MDR reinforces the clinical data and evaluation process (article 61 and Annex XIV), and the manufacturer must confirm the device’s conformity to fundamental health and safety requirements using reliable clinical data and evaluation. The clinical evaluation establishes the device’s safety and capacity to fulfil its intended function. It also evaluates adverse side effects and determines whether the benefit-risk ratio is acceptable. Manufacturers must...
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The Role of Notified Bodies in Assessing Clinical Evaluation Reports (CERs) under EU MDR

Clinical evaluation is a continuous procedure that happens at every stage of a medical device’s life cycle. It is typically carried out initially in the course of developing a medical device to determine what data must be produced to gain access to the market. The first CE-marking must include a clinical evaluation, and it must be regularly updated going forward. Clinical evaluation is essential and significant because it guarantees that assessments of the device’s performance and sa...
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