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Market surveillance

EU MDR Market Surveillance Activities

Market surveillance is the activity carried out by the competent authorities according to Article 93 of MDR 2017/745 to ensure that products on the market comply with the relevant laws and regulations and with the current EU health and safety requirements. Maintaining market security in Europe and promoting consumer safety and business trust is vital. Suppose the medical device poses an unacceptable risk to the health or safety of the patients, users, or other people or any other aspects of the...
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Vigilance in EU MDR

Introduction The Medical Device Vigilance System’s goal is to lower the risks of using medical equipment and serious incidents while it strives to improve protection for patients, healthcare providers, and other users. A National Competent Authority Report is one way that adverse occurrences are evaluated and, where necessary, information is shared according to the Medical Devices Directives/Regulations (NCAR). The implementation of suitable field safety corrective measures aims to prevent...
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Cosmetics Product Recall under FDA

Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), section 7.3(g), describes a recall as a firm’s removal or correction of a marketed product that FDA judges to be in violation of the laws we administer and against which the FDA would start legal action, such as seizure. FDA strongly advises businesses to familiarise themselves with all of the regulations, including the elements of a recall strategy, in 21 CFR Part 7. What is the FDA’s responsibility in a recall of Cosmetics Product? Th...
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