Cosmetics Registration in New Zealand

Regulatory Authority:

New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe)

Link for RA:

Local regulation:

Cosmetic Products Group Standard 2006

Who can register :  


Data to be communicated : 


In New Zealand, there is no approval or registration process for cosmetics that match these criteria. The sponsor’s responsibility is to ensure that the cosmetic is of acceptable quality and is safe to use.

Any person seeking to import or manufacture a cosmetic product containing nanomaterials other than zinc oxide or titanium dioxide into New Zealand, when they first import or manufacture the substance, must notify the Authority in writing— 

  • the name of the substance
  • the HSNO approval number and title of the group standard under which the substance has a deemed approval
  • the nature of the nanomaterials the substance contains

Timeframe and fees: 

Additional information:  

The labels and claims review consist of a report containing all the information that  must appear on the labelling material:

  • Required elements
  • Presence of required elements (primary packaging, secondary packaging & leaflet)
  • Final INCI list
  • Claims
    • Conclusion of each claim
    • Expert comments –strategic recommendations are provided for label updates