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Cosmetic Regulation

Understanding Borderline Cosmetics in the EU

Understanding the distinctions between product classes within the European cosmetics landscape can be complex and ambiguous, often requiring input from authoritative bodies. Certain products may share similarities but fall under different regulatory frameworks. When products straddle these frameworks, they’re termed “borderline” by the European Commission (EC). Clear comprehension of a product category is vital to determine the regulatory requisites for the specific market. Dif...
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Understanding Borderline Cosmetics in the EU

by OMC Medical | Dec 13, 2023 | Cosmetics, EU Understanding the distinctions between product classes within the European cosmetics landscape can be complex and ambiguous, often requiring input from authoritative bodies. Certain products may share similarities but fall under different regulatory frameworks. When products straddle these frameworks, they’re termed “borderline” by the European Commission (EC). Clear comprehension of a product category is vital to determine the regul...
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