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Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR): MDR IVDR Amendment Jan. 2023 


Recent amendments to Regulation (EU) 2017/745, also known as the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), have introduced significant changes to the timelines and conditions for placing certain medical devices on the market or putting them into service.

This comprehensive analysis explores the key points of these amendments, focusing on the intricate timeline considerations. 

Paragraph 3 Amendments

Paragraph 3 has undergone crucial revisions, introducing new provisions (3a to 3g) that outline conditions and timelines for the placement of medical devices on the market or into service.

Let’s delve into the details of these Regulation (EU) 2017/746 amendments: 

3a. Derogation and Conditions

By derogation from Article 5, devices falling under paragraphs 3b and 3c may be placed on the market or put into service, subject to the fulfilment of conditions specified in paragraph 3d. 

3b. Placing Devices with Certificates

Devices with certificates issued under Directive 90/385/EEC or Directive 93/42/EEC, valid by virtue of paragraph 2, can be placed on the market until specific dates: 

– Until 31 December 2027 for class III devices and class IIb implantable devices (excluding specific items). 

– Until 31 December 2028 for class IIb devices (excluding those covered by the previous point), class IIa devices, and class I devices in sterile condition or with a measuring function. 

3c. Conformity Assessment Procedure

Devices with conformity assessment procedures under Directive 93/42/EEC, not involving a notified body, may be placed on the market or put into service until 31 December 2028, provided certain conditions are met. 

3d. Conditions for Placement

Devices can be placed on the market until the specified dates (3b and 3c) if the following conditions are met by 26 May 2024: 

– Continued compliance with relevant directives. 

– No significant changes in design and intended purpose. 

– No unacceptable risk to health or safety. 

– Implementation of a quality management system by the manufacturer. 

– Lodgement of a formal application for conformity assessment by 26 May 2024 and a written agreement signed with a notified body by 26 September 2024. 

3e. Application of MDR Requirements

In derogation from paragraph 3a, devices in paragraphs 3b and 3c are subject to MDR requirements for post-market surveillance, market surveillance, vigilance, and registration of economic operators and devices. 

3f. Responsibilities of Notified Bodies

The notified body issuing the certificate in paragraph 3b remains responsible for surveillance unless agreed otherwise. A transition of surveillance responsibilities is outlined in agreements between manufacturers and notified bodies. 

3g. Derogation for Class III Custom-made Implantable Devices

Class III custom-made implantable devices can be placed on the market until 26 May 2026 without a certificate, provided a formal application is lodged by 26 May 2024, and a written agreement with a notified body is signed by 26 September 2024. 

Paragraph 4 Replacement

Paragraph 4 stipulates that device lawfully placed on the market before 26 May 2021, and those placed afterward under paragraphs 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3g, may continue to be made available or put into service. 

Article 122 Amendments

Article 122 outlines amendments related to the repeal of Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC, effective from 26 May 2021. Noteworthy points include the continuation of Directives’ application for devices in specific paragraphs of Article 120(3a) to (3f) and (4).

Article 123 Amendments

In Article 123(3), point (d), the amendment includes a reference to Article 120(3e), further emphasizing the continued application of certain requirements from the repealed Directives. 

Regulation (EU) 2017/746 Amendments

The amendments to Regulation (EU) 2017/746, also known as the In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation (IVDR), focus on Articles 110 and 112. 

Article 110 Amendment

Devices lawfully placed on the market under Directive 98/79/EC before 26 May 2022, and those placed afterward under paragraph 3 of this Article, may continue to be made available or put into service. 

Article 112 Amendment

For devices referred to in Article 110(3) and (4) of the IVDR, Directive 98/79/EC shall continue to apply to the extent necessary for the application of those paragraphs. 


The recent amendments to MDR and IVDR introduce a complex framework of conditions and timelines for the placement of medical devices on the market. Stakeholders, including manufacturers and notified bodies, must carefully navigate these provisions to ensure compliance and a smooth transition to the new regulatory landscape. 

Reference Linkhttps://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-01/mdr_proposal.pdf

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