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Jordan Cosmetic Product Registration


Regulatory Authority

Jordan Food and Drug Administration 

Link for Regulatory Authority


Local Regulation

Who can Register?

  • Manufacturer
  • Importer

Data to be Communicated 

  • The importer’s application form must include the name of the product and the name of the product maker, and it must be signed and dated. 
  • The importer’s commercial record must include the goal of “import of cosmetic products” and a valid license of career. 
  • A valid GMP certificate from an official authority or an ISO 22716 certificate is required for the manufacturer. 
  • The maker has signed and stamped a certificate of composition by precise per cent, CAS number, INCI number, and function of each constituent. 
  • Physical, chemical, and microbiological standards for the finished product, signed and stamped by the maker.
  • Certificate of Analysis: Physical, chemical & microbiological, signed & stamped. 
  • Chemical & Physical stability study for the finished product, accelerated for three months or long term, signed & stamped by the manufacturer. If the study is done in a local accredited laboratory, at least three consecutive assay results of the active ingredients are required.
  • Free sale certificate from an official authority in the country of origin, signed & stamped. 
  • Layout for inner & outer packages signed & stamped by the manufacturer.
  • The concentration of heavy metals for color containing products signed & stamped.
  • Source of amino acids, and if it is of animal origin, then BSE/TSE free certificate is required, signed & stamped by the manufacturer.
  • Preservative challenge test for products that contain water and that remain on the skin for more than 5 min, except for single-use products, signed & stamped.
  • Declaration indicates that the product is free of asbestos for tale containing products, signed & stamped. 
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • Safety data sheet

Process to Register Cosmetic Product

  • Referring to the Pharmaceutical Institutions 
  • Licensing Department and submitting application in the form of licensing factory, requesting an inspection, and attaching the required documents.
  • Auditing documents and approving the application.
  • Documenting the application in the register.
  • Transferring the application to the director of the Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate to be transferred to the 
  • Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Department
  • Implementing a field inspection procedure for licensing applications.
  • The relevant committee inspects the location to ensure that the conditions are met.
  • If the license application is denied, the applicant is sent a letter outlining the grounds for the denial.
  • The finance section pays the mandated fees if the prerequisites are met.
  • At the start of work, the Minister signs a letter of authorization for the applicant. 

Timeframe and fees:

Licensing: 2 weeks from the date of submitting the documents

Additional information:

  • The merchant or representative goes to the Medical Devices Directorate and submits the relevant documentation, following which the Cosmetics Registration Department checks the transaction and sends it to the Bureau for an incoming number. The prescribed fees are paid to the accountant. The retailer submits the transaction to the Cosmetics Registration Department and a financial receipt. The Cosmetics Study Committee examines the files and requests samples for testing, and the committee’s decision is documented in a letter. The letter is forwarded to the Diwan, who will assign it a number and then deliver it to the merchant. The trading licence can take up to 60 working days from when the file is submitted.

Guidance to importers and producers of cosmetics and medicated cosmetics on the following matters:

  • If products share similar formulas except for colour/s and/or perfume/s, they can undergo the same preservative challenge test.
  • New colours added to already registered products are eligible for administrative registration upon payment of the required fees.
  • For the heavy metals test, inclusion of a lab certificate in the technical file submission is necessary. However, alternatively, a declaration of heavy metal absence can be submitted for handling purposes if a lab test from an approved local facility or a certificate of analysis from the manufacturing company within a 4-month timeframe is obtained.

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