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Good Manufacturing Practices

Good Manufacturing Practices

The processes put in place by a company to guarantee that goods fulfil specific quality requirements at every stage of production, packaging, storage, and shipping are known as good manufacturing practices, or GMPs. 

GMP is essential to prevent cosmetic product adulteration or misbranding. The new US law on cosmetic products, the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA), imposes several new requirements on cosmetic manufacturers, producers, and brand owners. 

Local GMP

A set of the Regulation which are followed during the production, packaging, storage and shipping of the cosmetic products. Every country has their own regulation in the for the cosmetic the Good Manufacturing Practices for the Cosmetic are similar.

All cosmetic companies must be able to manufacture goods that are reliable, safe, effective, and of high quality to be successful. A basic awareness of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) can be quite helpful, regardless of the size of your skincare firm or cosmetic line.

GMP causes anxiety for many beauty firms, and some may see it as a complex set of rules rather than an effective tool to support business growth. GMP encompasses much more than contamination and safety; it’s about understanding and controlling every single component that affects a product’s final quality. When put into practice, GMP encourages ongoing enhancements that eventually lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

GMPs, as their name suggests, are focused on production or manufacturing procedures that affect the final product’s quality, safety, and consistency. It is the duty of any company that produces cosmetics to guarantee that the goods they produce and eventually sell are high-quality, safe, and consistently effective. This requirement is related to several laws that control the selling of cosmetics. 

For example, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Section 301) in the United States, which is enforced by the FDA, prohibits the sale of cosmetic items that are “misbranded” or “adulterated”. According to Sections 16 and 18 of the Food and Drugs Act in Canada, cosmetics sold must be made and kept in sanitary, clean conditions.

An efficient method of adhering to legal requirements pertaining to product quality and consumer safety is to implement GMP. However, regional differences may exist in the GMP adherence standards, particularly about cosmetics.

ISO 22716

The cosmetics sector can refer to ISO 22716 for GMP guidance, which outlines the fundamental guidelines for implementing GMP in completed cosmetics manufacturing facilities. The standard provides recommendations on human resources, technology, and administrative management that will impact the quality of the product in associated activities and organizations. It does not apply to activities related to research and development or the distribution of final goods.

An international standard known as ISO 22716 lays out specifications for cosmetic products’ Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). To guarantee the safety, efficacy, and quality of cosmetic items, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed ISO 22716, which offers criteria for their manufacture, control, storage, and transportation. 

Guidelines for recording and controlling the manufacture, management, storage, and transportation of cosmetics are provided by ISO 22716. The directions in the standard will give your company useful strategies for handling the various variables that can impact the quality of the product.

Key Concepts of ISO 22716

  • Personnel: The standard outlines requirements for the training, hygiene, and health of personnel involved in the manufacturing, handling, and storage of cosmetic products.
  • Premises and Equipment: ISO 22716 specifies requirements for the design, construction, maintenance, and sanitation of facilities and equipment used in cosmetic production to prevent contamination and ensure product integrity.
  • Documentation and Records: The standard mandates the establishment and maintenance of comprehensive documentation and records related to production processes, quality control tests, and batch release to demonstrate compliance with GMP requirements.
  • Raw Materials and Packaging: ISO 22716 includes requirements for the selection, receipt, storage, handling, and labelling of raw materials and packaging materials used in cosmetic manufacturing to prevent contamination, mix-ups, or deterioration.
  • Production and Control: The standard outlines procedures for the formulation, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, and quality control testing of cosmetic products to ensure consistency, purity, and safety throughout the production process.
  • Quality Management System: ISO 22716 requires the implementation of a quality management system (QMS) to monitor and control all aspects of cosmetic production, including process validation, change control, deviation management, and corrective and preventive actions (CAPA).
  • Storage and Distribution: The standard specifies requirements for the storage, handling, and distribution of finished cosmetic products to prevent contamination, deterioration, or damage during transportation and storage.
  • Complaint Handling and Adverse Event Reporting: ISO 22716 includes procedures for the investigation, documentation, and resolution of consumer complaints, adverse events, or product recalls, as well as reporting requirements to regulatory authorities when necessary.
  • Audits and Inspections: The standard encourages regular internal audits and inspections to verify compliance with GMP requirements and identify areas for improvement in cosmetic manufacturing processes.


    A manufacturer’s dedication to quality, safety, and regulatory compliance in the creation of cosmetic products is demonstrated by their ISO 22716 certification. Following this standard proves conformity with worldwide GMP criteria, which promotes market access and helps maintain customer confidence in cosmetic products.