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Services Offered by OMC Medical

Consultation on the country requirements globally
Quick registration turnaround times for complex registration globally
New device registration with project management across the globe
Product change analysis and implementation strategy for your MD
Manage all current licenses and trigger the registration process before expiry, keeping all the licenses up to date.
Keep you up to date with all regulatory changes across the globe with a minimum subscription fee.
Outsource your regulatory activities to us for a cost effective regulatory solution.
OMC Medical provides you with fully trained experts to assist in your company’s regulatory operations and statergy. We provide services and solutions by applying regulatory knowledge to help you ensure regulatory compliance across the globe.
Analyze your software classification
Version updates, or changes from a regulatory perspective
Act as your United Kingdom Responsible Person (UKRP)
OMC Medical provides web-based training to medical device companies. Our consulting helps companies improve their teams’ knowledge of the regulatory requirements, thereby increasing their compliance with regulations, enhancing better project planning, and quick issue resolution.
Labels as per respective country’s requirement
Translation of User Manual, Brochures, Labels, Technical File
We assist you right from design and development to analyse the regulatory standards compliance requirements, next to the manufacturing stage, until the post market stage for medical device approval.

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