Ministry of Health (Cape Verde)/ Ministério da Saúde.
Independent Health Regulatory Entity (ERIS)
Drugs that are imported or produced domestically require authorization from the Independent Health Regulatory Entity (ERIS) before they may be introduced or sold. To ensure the efficacy, caliber, and safety of the medications on the market, rigorous legal and scientific standards are used throughout the marketing permission procedure, which involves a technical-scientific examination of the marketing authorization dossier.
The International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) for the Common Technical Document for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (CTD) guidelines must be followed in the structure of the Marketing Authorization application dossier by complete procedure.
If a State recognized by ERIS has awarded marketing authorization, it is likewise possible to seek marketing authorization for pharmaceuticals intended for human use in Cape Verde. Requests for marketing authorizations, renewals, and changes can be delivered by email, or hard copies can be mailed to the ERIS address or the ERIS office.
Regulation nº09/2014 of October 6th, Decree-Law nº59/2006 of December 26th, and its annex Regulation of Marketing Authorization introduction (MAI) by recognition of MAI issued by other countries govern marketing authorization.
The process entails a technical and scientific evaluation of the MA dossier to determine the safety, effectiveness, and quality of medications sold using stringent legal and scientific standards. According to article 24 of Decree-Law nº 59/2006, of September 26, and Resolution nº 09/CA/2014, of October 6, if the medicinal product intended for sale in Cape Verde had a previous marketing authorization in a Country recognized by ARFA for this purpose, the marketing authorization is granted in Cape Verde by recognition of the marketing authorization issued in the State of reference.
To be accepted as an MA from another state, the following minimal requirements must be met:
The marketing permission application must be submitted digitally (by CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or pen drive); however, it may also be filed on paper. The application form and requirement must be submitted on paper and must also be included in the digital dossier. The Delivery can be done by mail or directly to the ARFA (Agência de Regulação e Supervisão dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares) records.
The application for marketing permission is made up of the following documents:
The following annexes, which should be provided with the application form in the same sequence and numbering as specified in the order form, must be included:
Although several doses and pharmaceutical forms are combined into a single application, MA fee payments for each product should be made in the following manner: “Product name + INN + + + Pharmaceutical form + Strength”.
Reports of adverse drugs reactions can be submitted using the ERIS website. The WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring includes Cabo Verde as a member. The Integrated Pharmaceutical Market Monitoring System (SIMFAR) in Cabo Verde takes an integrated approach to the technical and financial elements of medications.
It does this by evaluating the quality, safety, efficacy, and effectiveness of the drugs as well as by keeping an eye on access, pricing, and stock. SIMFAR’s objective is to:
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Our team will be happy to respond your queries. Contact us directly with your questions or for scheduling FREE consultation and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
Our team will be happy to respond your queries. Contact us directly with your questions or for scheduling FREE consultation and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
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